Title “Beam scanning rate enhancement in leaky wave antenna at X-Ku band at fixed frequency”
Funding Agency DRDO, Delhi
Amount of Grant 33 Lakhs (approximate)
Duration 2.5 Years
Principal Investigator Tanuj Garg
Title Theoretical Study Of Rare Earth Manganites Doped With Alkaline Earths Namely Re1-xAxMnO3 (where Re = La, Nd etc. & A= Ca, Ba etc.) Exhibiting Colossal Magneto Resistance Phenomena
Funding Agency UGC BSR, New Delhi
Amount of Grant Rs. 8,11,800/-
Duration 1st May, 2013 to 30th April, 2016
Principal Investigator Dr.Sunil Panwar
For More Information please download the Final Report
Title Ecological Assessment analysis of River Yamuna using the application of statistics and modeling
Funding Agency Water Technology Initiative (WTI) – DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Duration One year [2012—2013]
Status Completed

Title Impact of industrial growth on water and soil quality and its health risk assessment with special reference to heavy metal contamination
Duration Two years [2012—2014]
Status Completed

Title Health risk awareness with special reference to water hygiene and Environmental conservation by the development of webportal and awareness campaigns in Uttarakhand
Duration Two years [2014—2016]
Status Completed

Title Water quality assessment and indexing of River Ganga and Ganga canal in Uttarakhand
Duration Two years [2017—2019]