Title | “Beam scanning rate enhancement in leaky wave antenna at X-Ku band at fixed frequency” |
Funding Agency | DRDO, Delhi |
Amount of Grant | 33 Lakhs (approximate) |
Duration | 2.5 Years |
Principal Investigator | Tanuj Garg |
Title | Theoretical Study Of Rare Earth Manganites Doped With Alkaline Earths Namely Re1-xAxMnO3 (where Re = La, Nd etc. & A= Ca, Ba etc.) Exhibiting Colossal Magneto Resistance Phenomena |
Funding Agency | UGC BSR, New Delhi |
Amount of Grant | Rs. 8,11,800/- |
Duration | 1st May, 2013 to 30th April, 2016 |
Principal Investigator | Dr.Sunil Panwar |
For More Information please download the Final Report |
Title | Ecological Assessment analysis of River Yamuna using the application of statistics and modeling |
Funding Agency | Water Technology Initiative (WTI) – DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi |
Duration | One year [2012—2013] |
Status | Completed |
Title | Impact of industrial growth on water and soil quality and its health risk assessment with special reference to heavy metal contamination |
Duration | Two years [2012—2014] |
Status | Completed |
Title | Health risk awareness with special reference to water hygiene and Environmental conservation by the development of webportal and awareness campaigns in Uttarakhand |
Duration | Two years [2014—2016] |
Status | Completed |
Title | Water quality assessment and indexing of River Ganga and Ganga canal in Uttarakhand |
Duration | Two years [2017—2019] |
Status | ONGOING |