

Research is an integral part of the Department. The faculty and the scholars are actively pursuing research work in different areas and present their work in conferences/seminars and publish research papers.

Major areas of research include:

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Personality
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Vedic Psychology


Apart from regular and ongoing research activities, the Faculty of the Department have successfully completed following research projects

  1. S.K.Srivastava, Chief Investigator, Leadership Styles and Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Organizations, Financed by ICSSR, New Delhi,1986-1988
  2. S.K.Srivastava, Chief Investigator, Job Satisfaction and Achievement Motivation: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sectors. Financed by UGC, New Delhi,1992-94
  3. S.K.Srivastava, Chief Investigator, Effect of Leadership Styles & Organizational Climate on Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction. Financed by ICSSR, New Delhi,1996-1998
  4. S.K.Srivastava, Chief Investigator, Job Anxiety and Work Adjustment Among Industrial Employees in Relation to Personality Types. Financed by UGC, New Delhi,1997-1999
  5. C.P. Khokhar, Chief Investigator, Emotional states and defense oriented reactions in youths. UGC, 2001-2003


The faculty has developed many psychological tests which have been published for use by the research scholars and practitioners. Some of the tests are listed here.

  1. O.P. Misra and S.K. Srivastava (1990): Achievement Motivation Scale. Ambika Pustak Sadan, Hardwar
  2. O.P. Misra and S.K. Srivastava (1992): Work Adjustment Inventory. Ambika Pustak Sadan, Hardwar.
  3. S.K. Srivastava (1996): Job Satisfaction Scale. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee
  4. O.P. Mishra and S.K. Srivastava (1997): Comprehensive Marital Adjustment Inventory. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee.
  5. S.K. Srivastava (2002): Labour Welfare Inventory. Manovaigyanic Parikchan Sansthan, Varanasi
  6. S.K. Srivastava and Veena Katyal (2007): Social Distance Inventory. Anshul Academy Trust, Haridwar
  7. C.P.Khokhar, Multidimensional parenting Scale. Published from 1- Manovigyan Anusandhan Peeth B-28 SastriNagar, Meerut. 2- National Psychological Corporation Agra-250004.
  8. C.P.Khokhar (1985) Semantic system in language. Unpublished, used in Ph.D. thesis RohalKhand University. Bereilly.
  9. Deepak Singh & O.P. Mishra (2011): Obsessive-Compulsive Test. Unpublished, used in PhD thesis, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar.


The faculty of the department has authored many books in the field of psychology and contributed chapters in several books. The books authored by the faculty are listed here:

  1. S.K. Srivastava (1989): Industrial Psychology. Printwell Publishers, Jaipur.
  2. S.K. Srivastava (1990): Leadership Styles and Management. Bahri Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 8170340586).
  3. O.P. Mishra and S.K. Srivastava (1995) Ecological Perspectives and Behaviour. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee 1995 (Conference proceeding).
  4. S.K. Srivastava (1996) Man Motivation and Organization. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee, 1996 (ISBN: 8186463100).
  5. S.K. Srivastava (1997) Developing Human Relations and Ethnic Understanding. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee (Conference proceeding).
  6. S.K. Srivastava (2000): Leadership Edge and Organizational Consequences. Ajay Printers and Publishers, Roorkee (ISBN: 8186463305).
  7. S.K. Srivastava (2005): Organisational Behaviour and Management. Sarup and Sons Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN: 8176255637).
  8. S.K. Srivastava (2005): Applied and Community Psychology-Trends and Directions. Sarup and Sons Publishers (ISBN: 8176256080).
  9. S.K. Srivastava and Pankaj Madan (2009): Business Management in New Perspective. Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, (ISBN: 9788182202957)
  10. S. K. Srivastava and Patirajkumari: Organizational Behaviour. Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010 (ISBN: 9788182203327).
  11. S.K. Srivastava ,Vipin Kumar and Veena Katyal (2010): Health Care Management in India. New Century Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 9788177082449).
  12. S. K. Srivastava (2012) : Psychopathological Disorders – Bio psychosocial Analysis . Global Vision Publishing House , New Delhi (ISBN: 9788182204690).
  13. S. K. Srivastava ,Nayanika Singh and Shivani Kant (2013): Psychological Interventions of Mental Disorders . Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi (ISBN: 9788176259118).
  14. S. K. Srivastava and Shivani Kant (2013): New Perpectives of Mental Disorders. Sarup Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi (ISBN: 9788176259101)
  15. C.P.Khokhar (2007) Stress, Coping and Health. Shalabh Publishing House, 259/5 Shastri Nagar Meerut.
  16. C.P.Khokhar (2004) Defense Oriented Reaction in Youths. Shalabh Publishing House, 259/5 Shastri Nagar, Meerut.
  17. C.P.Khokhar (2002), Parenting, Sex and Economic Status as Correlates of Socio-genic Need Satisfaction in Children. Shalabh Publishing House, 259/5 Shastri Nagar Meerut.
  18. C.P.Khokhar (2001), Trends in clinic Diagnosis and Psychotherapy- Modern and Vadic. Kiran printing Press Hardwar.
  19. Shyam Lata Juyal Handbook of Management and Behavioral Science. ISBN No.978-93-81505-37-3. Wisdom Publication, Delhi.
  20. Shyam Lata Juyal (2011) Handbook of Management and Behavioural Sciences. ISBN No.978-81-89547-93-6. Wisdom Publication, Delhi.
  21. Shyam Lata Juyal (2014) Handbook on Indian Economy Development Prospects and Perspectives. ISBN No.978-93-81212-77-6. Bharti Publications, New Delhi.
  22. Shyam Lata Juyal (2015) Handbook of Business Management & Behavioural Sciences. ISBN 978-81-89547-978.
  23. Shyam Lata Juyal (2017) Psychology Past, Present and Future. ISBN-978-93-85504-49-5. Wisdom Publications, Delhi.
  24. Chauhan, M. K. (2010): “Psychosomatic Correlates of Asthma”, Parimal Publications 27/28, Shakti Nagar, Delhi-110007, ISBN : 978-81-7110-363-8.
  25. Rakesh Kumar (2010) Rorschach Inkblot Test: A Guide to Modified Scoring System. ISBN: 978-8190992305
  26. Rakesh Kumar (2011) Power Hypnosis: A Clinical Approach. ISBN: 978-1466435124
  27. Rakesh Kumar (2016) A Glorious Journey of Past Life Regression. ISBN: 978-1533342201
  28. Rakesh Kumar (2016) Cognitive Drill Therapy. ISBN: 978-1539554219

Book Chapters:

  1. S.K. Srivastava: Gender and caste differences in adjustment. Weaker Sections: The Psycho-Social Perspective, 1998, 173-178 (ISBN: 8121205670)
  2. S.K. Srivastava, et. al. : Corporate memory (CM) – A ground level view. Organizational Challenges, 2001, 454-458 (ISBN: 8174462333).
  3. S.K. Srivastava: Occupational stress and job involvemevt. Enhancing Performance- Agenda for Growth, 2004, 121-127 (ISBN: 8174463712).
  4. S.K. Srivastava and Sweta Maheshwari: Yoga-Hypertension and asthama.Psychotherapy: Yoga and Traditional Therapies of East and West, 2004, 159-163 (ISBN: 8188 78009X).
  5. S.K. Srivastava and Sweta Agrawal: Effect of family structure on degree of loneliness and mental health of urban aged persons. Indias Elderly: A Multidisciplinary Dimensions, 2004, 161-168 (ISBN: 8170999693).
  6. S.K. Srivastava and Sweta Maheshwari: Human Stress: concepts and prospects.Applied and Commnunity Psychology-Trends and Directions, 2005, 495-502 (ISBN: 8176256090)
  7. S.K. Srivastava: Effect of socio-economic status on intelligence and adjustmentA study of SC and non SC female students. Applied and Commnunity Psychology-Trends and Directions, 2005, 805-809 (ISBN: 8176256090).
  8. S.K. Srivastava and Sweta Maheshwari: Yoga and Psychophysiological disorders. Pychology in Use, 2007, 230-238 (ISBN: 8188818089).
  9. Arun Kumar and S.K. Srivastava: Exploring the gender differences in occupational stress and coping strategies among teachers. Positive Health Psychology, 2007, 101-111 (ISBN: 8182201950).
  10. Veena Katyal and S.K. Srivastava: Depression and marital adjustment among working and nonworking women. Understanding Women Behaviour, 2007, 309-319 (ISBN: 8182202019).
  11. Prachi Upadhyay and S.K. Srivastava: Motivation for workers. Business Management in New Perspective, 2009, 348-362 (ISBN: 9788182202957).
  12. P.C. Bahuguna, P. Kumari and S.K. Srivastava : Strategic human resource management in globalised regime. Globalization and the Indian Economy, 2009, 212-224 (ISBN: 9788177082081).
  13. S.K. Srivastava and Anurag Panday: Effects of bhramari pranayama on nerve impulse of facial nerve. Health and Well Being: Emerging Trends, 2010, 399-406 (ISBN: 9788182202849).
  14. Irfat Ara khan and S.K. Srivastava: Impact of cigarette smoking and alcoholism on health. Health and Well Being: Emerging Trends, 2010, 263-272 (ISBN:9788182202849).
  15. Irfat Ara khan and S.K. Srivastava: HIV/AIDS a major health endangering behaviours of life. Health Care Management in India, 2010, 10-21 (ISBN:9788177082449).
  16. Manoranjan Tripathi and S.K Srivastava: Stigma of HIV and AIDS. Health Care Management in India, 2010, 159-174 (ISBN: 9788177082449).
  17. K.C. Barmola and S.K. Srivastava:Effects of examination stress on adolescents health. Health Care Management in India, 2010,289-303 (ISBN:9788177082449).
  18. Aradhana Gupta and S.K. Srivastava : Role of life style in stress management among industrial and organizational personnel . New Facets of Positivism, 2011, 265 -280. (ISBN: 9780230323421).
  19. S. K. Srivastava and K.C. Barmola : Psychopathology in drug and alcohol abuse among adolescents . Psycho-pathological Disorders., 2012 , 3-18 (ISBN:9788182204690).
  20. S. K. Srivastava : Enhancing mental helath and quality of life . Positive Psychology – Emerging Issues , 2012 , 550 -555 (ISBN: 9788183294737).
  21. Nayanika Singh and S.K. Srivastava : Religious involvement and spirituality –path towards health and wellbeing . Understanding Spirituality, 2012 , 116-138 (ISBN: 9788189131630).
  22. Nayanika Singh and S.K. Srivastava : Clinical implications of emotional freedom technique. Psychological Interventions of Mental Disorders, 2013 , 73-84 (ISBN: 9788176259118).
  23. S. K. Srivastava and K. C. Barmola : Guidance , family environment and mental health of students . New Perspectives of Mental Disorders, 2013 , 172-193 (ISBN: 9788176259109).
  24. Gavneet Kaur Pruthi and S.K. Srivastava : Autism and developmental disorders . New Perspectives of Mental Disorders, 2013, 528-540 (ISBN: 9788176259101).
  25. Shailendra Kumar Sharma and S.K. Srivastava : Perception of community attitude towards mental illness . New Perspectives of Mental Disorders, 2013, 541 -568 (ISBN: 9788176259101).
  26. Akansha Srivastava , R.K. Tiwari and S.K. Srivastava : Internet addiction and mental health among adolescents . New Perspectives of Mental Disorders, 2013 , 569-593 (ISBN: 9788176259101).
  27. S. K. Srivastava and K.C. Barmola : Role of guidance in academic performance of students. Guidance and Counseling: New Directions, 2013, 306- 319 (ISBN: 9788183295222)
  28. S. K. Srivastava : Guidance and their impact on mental health. Guidance and Counseling: New Directions, 2013, 365- 377 (ISBN: 9788183295222).
  29. Rajul Bhardwaj and S. K. Srivastava : Role of IT in guidance and counseling. Guidance and Counseling: New Directions, 2013, 407- 412 (ISBN: 9788183295222).
  30. Geeta Rana and S. K. Srivastava : Intrinsic work values responsible for increased managerial effectiveness in competitive business scenario. Management Innovations, 2014, 174- 183 (ISBN: 9789339203245).
  31. Juyal, S.L. (2011) Spirituality and Wellbeing; Positive Psychology, 259-268.
  32. Juyal, S.L (2011) Stress Management ; Positive Psychology, 203-210.
  33. Arun Kumar and S.K. Srivastava: Exploring the gender differences in occupational stress and coping strategies among teachers. Positive Health Psychology, Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi. 2007, 101-111. ISBN: 81-8220-195-0