Seminars/ Conferences Conducted
- National Symposium on fish & their Environment (1986).
- National Workshop on Man and Biosphere Programme (1987).
- National Symposium on animal protection under changing environment (1989).
- National Symposium on Vedic philosophy and Himalayan Eco-development (1991).
- National Symposium on impact of changing environment on animal biodiversity (1985).
- National Symposium on faunistic biodiversity, Environmental monitoring and Biotechnology (1998).
- National Symposium on status of India’s diversity and environment (1998).
- National seminar on present status of Ganga water at Hardwar (1999).
- National symposium on status of india’s faunistic diversity and environment (2001).
- National conference on status of Indian environment (2001).
- National seminar on Relevance of Biosphere Researve, National Parks and Sanctuaries (Protected Habitats) in present Context (2002).
- International Conference on ‘Bird and Environment’, November 2004.
- National seminar on ‘Medicinal Plants: their conservation and uses’ 9-11 March 2006.
- National seminar on ‘Biodiversity of Uttarakhand’ 27-28 March 2006.
- National seminar on ‘Medicinal Plants: their conservation and protection’ 9-11 March 2007.
- National seminar on ‘Biodiversity of Himalayan states: with reference to Uttarakhand’ 18-19 March 2007.
- National Seminar on ‘Status of Bio-diversity among Mountainous States of India’, 15-16 March 2008.
- Workshop on ‘Techniques in water and waste water treatment’ 25-26 March 2008.
- ‘DST-SERC Thematic Workshop on Avian Biology’, 27-30 November 2008
- National Seminar on ‘Status of Biodiversity and Conservation in India’, 27-28 February 2009
- National Seminar on ‘Impacts of trends in climate change on biodiversity and faunistic systems’, 19-20 February 2010.
- International Conference World Congress for Man and Nature “Global Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation” held on 11-13 November 2011.
- National Seminar on Status of Environment and Biodiversity: RIO+ 20 and role of space technology 2nd – 3rd November, 2012
- One week national workshop on Taxonomic Keys and identification tools for different groups of flora and fauna, from 29 October to 3 November 2012 in Dept. Of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar
- National seminar on Status of Environment and Biodiversity: Rio + 20 and role of Space Technology”, 2-3 November 2012 in Dept. Of Zoology and Env. Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar
Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops Organized
- Environmental conservation and Enrichment Sponsored by Department of Environment, Government of India, New Delhi in 1983.
- Conservation and Ethnobotanical Aspects of Indigenous Medicinal Plants, Including Microbes and Fungi Sponsored by I.C.A.R. and C.S.I.R. IN 1986.
- All India 19th Indian Botanical Conference (December 1996) Sponsored by UGC, DBT, CSIR & DST
- National Seminar on Biotechnology; New Trends and Prospects (December 1996) Sponsored by UGC, DBT, CSIR & DST.
- Microbiology in Agriculture and Industry Sponsored by APSI and Shanti Kunj in 1996.
- National Seminar on Bioinoculants for Holistic Sustainable Rural Development in October, 1998 Sponsored by UGC, CSIR, AICTE, DST, MNES & DBT.
- New Trends in Biotechnology Sponsored by APSI, in 2003.
- Workshop on “Molecular and Applied Microbiology” (Fed .10-19, 2008).
- Hands- on – Training on “Molecular Fermentation and Inoculant Preparations” (Feb. 10 – 19, 2008).
- A 15 days Summer School on Recent Trends in Biotechnology from Sept 16-30, 2008.
- A 5- Days workshop on Microbial Fermentation and Microbial Inoculant Preparation for Organic Farming from Feb. 6-10, 2009.
- Workshop on “Science and Technology intervention in Traditional and Rural crafts” from Aug. 27-28, 2009
- A Debate/Quiz among students of Haridwar on “Science Day Celebration” on 28 Feb 2010
- Celebrated “International Biodiversity Day” on 22 May, 2010 Sponsored by State Biodiversity Board Uttrakhand and UCOST, Dehradun Uttrakhand
- Workshop on “Current Trends in Mcrobial Biotechnology” sponsored by State Biotech Programme, Pantnagar, Haldi, Uttrakhand, 14-25 November, 2010
- Workshop on “Advanced Microbiological Techniques in Pharmaceutical Industries” (06th October, 2013).
- Workshop on “Microbiological laboratory techniques in medical microbiology” September 20, 2014
- Workshop on “Isolation & Characterization of Fungi” Department of Botany & Microbiology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, November,8, 2014
- Workshop on “Laboratory Diagnosis of Microbial Infections”(Under Institute-Industry Interactions Program) on 24th October 2016
- National Science Day, “Science for Human Health (Theme-Science & Technology for Specially abled Persons), 28th February, 2017)